
Our Work - Bavroze Special


Health – 

Health would be super fine. The healing has already started. Time to start a healthy lifestyle with yoga and meditation.

Finance – 

Change is permanent. You may change carrier or job for better finance. Hard-work always pays. 

Relationship –

Love is in the air. A beautiful relationship will start and bonds will strengthen. Enjoy the precious moments.

Lucky Card – Lovers

Lucky Number – 6


Health –

Avoid sleepless nights. Mental stress always brings physical illness. Stop worrying and have faith. 

Finance –

Finances will flow from all directions. Time to encash your profits in long term investments. Financially the year will be good.

Relationship –

A positive time for people who want to get married. Marriage is on the cards. You will have a happy and content relationship with your family.

Lucky Card – Sun

Lucky Number – 19


Health –

Health would be good. There could be healing for illness. Concentrate on your food habits.

Finance –

There would be temporary shortage of liquidity. Money is there, but stuck somewhere. This is a time to plan your expenses and income.

Relationship –

Communication is the key for happy relationship. Don’t be stubborn. Be understanding and co-operative with your partner. Avoid unnecessary fights.

Lucky Card – Star

Lucky Number – 17


Health –

Don’t ignore back pain. Keep yourself active. No one can make you feel neglected unless you allow. Take care of your health.

Finance –

Time to start a new venture. Finance will flow from all directions. The success is on your platter.

Relationship –

Time to introspect your feelings. Follow your intuition. Don’t get too emotional. Be practical.

Lucky Card – Wheel of Fortune

Lucky Number – 10


Health –

Health would be fine. Don’t over-work while pursuing your goals. Take some time to breath and relax.

Finance –

New opportunities are waiting. Time to get awards and rewards. The finance will flow smoothly.

Relationship –

Just come out painful past. Look at the bright side of the relationship. You are strong enough to balance your mind and your heart.

Lucky Card – Empress

Lucky Number – 3


Health –

Enjoy what you have rather than craving for what you want. Stop worrying. You cannot control everything. 

Finance –

Success is on the platter. Finance will improve but don’t take any decision in haste. Think twice before taking any decisions.

Relationship –

Enjoy with family in the rainbow of health, happiness, content and peace.

Lucky Card – Heirophant

Lucky Number – 5


Health –

Health would be good. Enjoy vacations with family. 

Finance –

There will be financial security and stability. Be careful in making any big investment.

Relationship –

Don’t allow your mind to carry unhealthy past experiences. Everyday is a new day. Forget the past and be in the present for healthy future.

Lucky Card – Strength

Lucky Number – 8


Health –

Don’t take your health for granted. Follow a healthy lifestyle. Take good care of your health.

Finance –

Travel is indicated for business. Enjoy what you have rather than cribbing for what you want.

Relationship –

Success and peace in relationship is indicated. Happy days are here again.

Lucky Card – World

Lucky Number – 21


Health –

Health will be fine. Good time for people who want to start family. 

Finance –

This is the time to save and make money. You are an expert. Your skills will pay you well. 

Relationship –

There comes a time when you need to fight with your own people. Take an expert advice and go with the flow.

Lucky Card – High Priestess

Lucky Number – 2


Health –

Believe in yourself. Have a sound and peaceful sleep. Don’t neglect health issues.

Finance –

Finances will flow from all directions. You know the destiny. Search your path. Start a new partnership which would be really fruitful.

Relationship –

Learn to express your point of view. Stop fighting on unnecessary issues. Justice is on the cards. Time to end all fights and struggles and live a happy and peaceful life.

Lucky Card – Justice

Lucky Number – 11


Health –

Spend quality time with your family. Physical health would be fine. Discuss your problems with friends or family to come out of stress.

Finance –

The finance will be stable. You will have new opportunities and proposals. Accept it, it would be fruitful.

Relationship –

You are blessed by mother divine. Thank universe for countless blessings and happy life.

Lucky Card – Emperor

Lucky Number – 4


Health –

Confidence is the key to success. The magical protection is there for you in all areas of life. Health would be super fine. Spiritual healing has already started.

Finance –

As you sow, so shall you reap. A little charity is advised. Clear all your confusions and start afresh. Move on with pride. Financial support is there.

Relationship –

Happiness is the art of making bouquet of flowers within reach. Stop cribbing for the little things that you don’t have and enjoy with what you are blessed.

Lucky Card – Magician

Lucky Number – 1

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